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Small Team of Creative Professionals,
Huge Impact on Your Marketing

The BIOS Marketing copywriters and designers will help you you communicate with consistency and impact across each of your marketing channels.

Website Copywriting

Powerful, well-written website copy is the first step to digital marketing success. From strategy to optimization, we ensure your website is optimized for performance.

>> learn more about website copywriting

Optimize your website with this handy guide

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Sales and Marketing Emails

Sales and marketing emails designed to address your prospects goals and objections provide the highest return of any marketing collateral. 

>> learn more about email copywriting

Landing Pages and Sales Pages

Optimize your advertising, pay per click (PPC) campaigns, and content marketing campaigns with landing pages that inspire action. 

>> learn more about sales page copywriting

What's the difference between content writing and copywriting?

These two writers share the same goal – helping you market more effectively – there are key differences.

Content writers create informative marketing materials that build brand awareness and authority. The emphasis is on gaining a prospect’s trust.

Copywriters inspire action. They use psychology and competitor analysis to make people want your services and make an immediate purchase.

The long B2B sales cycle means digging deep into your solution and competition to developing long-form content that resonates at every stage of your funel  
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Generate more leads with your next white paper

White Papers and eBooks

Long form content is the best way to position your brand as a thought leader and move prospects already in the consideration stage through your funnel

>> learn more about white paper writing

Optimize your website with this handy guide

Case Studies
Blog Writing

Case studies tell the story of your success and provide your prospects with persuasive social proof that you can deliver the capabilities.  

Authoritative blogs are the heart of any SEO and content marketing strategy, helping you keep readers engaged with timely or compelling info.   

>> learn more about case study writing

>> learn more about blog writing

The  Value of Industry Expertise and Specialization

BIOS Marketing & Communications works exclusively with software and technology services firms. This subject matter specialization provides you with extra quality, and peace of mind.    

Because we spend all day writing for IT companies, our writing teams with confidence. 

Industry Insights
All our writing is fueled by the the latest research and data points from Gartner, Forrester, the Ponemon Institute, and others.

Easy SME Interaction 
If we do need to speak with someone on your team, we're prepared to speak their language.

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BIOS Marketing Communications
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Tel: 215 392 0750
Connect with us on social!

Industries We Serve:

  "When every word matters"

© 2024 BIOS Marketing & Communications
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